Sunday, April 18, 2010

Abstract craft!

You've heard of abstract art, but abstract craft? It's fun; I'd even say a cathartic experience. Professionally, it's sometimes called "Found Media"; because, well, we use what we can find, and put something together... This is what I put together...

I 've used some craft wire, earrings, a fancy spoon, pendant, a bobbin...I guess I went with silver, grey and the like. Take a look at my inspiration. These were created by professional jewellers...
Courtesy :  The art and craft of jewellery  by Janet Fitch.

How do you like abstract craft? What inspires you? Did I prompt you to let your imagination fly?


  1. lovely ones...this kind of craft is truly ethnic and dynamic

  2. Welcome to my blog, Deepa... I found yours very informative. Wish Industree were still retailing in Chennai. Wonder if Design Uptown retails it...


Thank you for taking the time to write your thoughts!

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